Juniperus x pfitzeriana - North Carolina Extension Gardener …
Juniperus x pfitzeriana is a hybrid that includes certain cultivars that are crosses between Juniperus chinensis and Juniperus sabina. The foliage has scale-like leaves and is fragrant …
Juniperus sabina - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Juniperus sabina, commonly known as savin juniper, is a shrubby evergreen conifer that is native to mountain areas of central and southern Europe to the Caucusus. It is usually seen in the …
Spreading Juniper Descriptions - Harding Nursery
Juniperus media 'Pfitzeriana 'Glauca' Dense; Stiff sprawling branches give a wide irregular rounded form; Rich blue-silver foliage, slightly purple in winter; Height 6-8' Spread 8-10'
Juniperus sabina (Savin Juniper) - Gardenia
Exceedingly tough, Juniperus sabina (Savin Juniper) is a shrubby evergreen conifer of spreading or creeping habit with slender shoots clothed with dark green, scale-like leaves which do not …
Можжевельник казацкий "Glauca" (Juniperus sabina "Glauca")
Можжевельник казацкий "Glauca" (Juniperus sabina "Glauca") - низкий раскидистый кустарник. Рост кустарника зависит от разрастания корневой системы. В молодом …
Juniperus virginiana ‘Glauca’ – Purdue Arboretum Explorer
'Glauca' is a columnar cultivar with glaucous blue needles that are most prominent in the spring, transitioning to blue-green later on in the summer. Widely adapted to soils and climates. Does …
Juniperus sabina - Wikipedia
Juniperus sabina, the savin juniper or savin, is a species of juniper native to the mountains of central and southern Europe and western and central Asia, from Spain to eastern Siberia, …
Juniperus sabina ´Glauca´ - jalovec chvojka (junsabgla)
Juniperus sabina ´Glauca´ - jalovec chvojka (junsabgla) Obrázky habitus - areál ČZU (Petra Jarešová) větvička - areál ČZU (Petra Jarešová) habitus - areál ČZU (Jan Svoboda) ...
Juniperus sabina 'Glauca' jałowiec sabiński 'Glauca' - katalog …
Roślina okrywowa polecana do sadzenia na skarpach, zboczach i nasypach w zieleni miejskiej i osiedlowej oraz w dużych ogrodach prywatnych. Szybko rosnący krzew iglasty o ścielących …
Jalovec chvojka - Juniperus sabina | Zahradnictví FLOS
🌸🌲☘️ Jalovec chvojka - Juniperus sabina - pohodlně online. Pečlivě balíme 📦 a garantujeme OK doručení či výměnu. s rychlým doručením a 1000+ odběrnými místy.
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