Parallax (Tomorrowverse) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Parallax is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Hal Jorden) of Green Lantern: Beware My Power. He is the parasitic entity of fear, who corrupted the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, and …
Parallax - Tomorrowverse Wiki
The Parallax Entity is the Entity of fear, who corrupted Hal Jordan and turned him into a supervillain, working for the Sinestro Corps. At some point, the Parallax entity encountered …
What did you think of Hal's Time as Parallax (Green Lantern ... - Reddit
Only hal jordan fights back, absorbing the central power defeating sinestro and the imposter gurdians. Hal leaves corp because the real gurdians orchestrated his father's death so he …
How did you feel about Hal Jordan as Parallax? : r/DCcomics
Feb 23, 2021 · I haven't read DC comics in some years, but back in the 90's I vaguely remember Hal Jordan's fall from grace and becoming Parallax. It appeared he snapped and went down a …
Hal Jordan (Tomorrowverse) | Villains Wiki | Fandom
Hal Jordan, formerly known as Green Lantern and later known as Parallax, is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Parallax) of Green Lantern: Beware My Power and a minor character in …
Parallax (Tomorrowverse) - DC Database
Parallax is the parasitic entity of fear, who corrupted the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, and turned him into a power-hungry host. At some point, the Parallax entity encountered and then …
Hal Jordan (Tomorrowverse) | DC Database | Fandom
Hal Jordan was the greatest Green Lantern that, had existed and the ex-best friend of Oliver Queen. Hal was infected by Sinestro, with the fear parasite Parallax, which, made him a dark, …
Hal Jordan (Tomorrowverse) | Near Pure Evil Wiki | Fandom
Hal Jordan, later known as Parallax, is the main antagonist of Green Lantern: Beware My Power, the fifth installment of the Tomorrowverse. He is a former member of the Green Lantern Corps …
Hal Jordan as Parallax (Earth-0) - DC Comics - League of Comic …
All life on Earth was threatened by a creature known as a Sun-Eater. Kyle Rayner sought Hal Jordan to help defeat him. Hal then used all his power to simultaneously reignite the sun and …
Parallax (Hal Jordan) - Dc Microheroes Wiki
One of the greatest secrets kept by the Guardians was that their infamous yellow impurity was in fact an ancient monster named Parallax who they had imprisoned in their Central Power …
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