Gabriel García Márquez – Facts - NobelPrize.org
Apr 17, 2014 · The Nobel Prize in Literature 1982 was awarded to Gabriel García Márquez "for his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly …
Gabriel García Márquez - Wikipedia
García Márquez received the Nobel Prize in Literature on 10 December 1982 "for his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world …
Los motivos que dieron a Gabriel García Márquez el Nobel de
El 21 de octubre de 1982, el escritor Gabriel García Márquez recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura, con lo que se convirtió en el primer colombiano en ganar esta condecoración.
El conmovedor discurso de Gabriel García Márquez al recibir el Nobel …
Jul 8, 2024 · En esta jornada abrimos el ciclo de discursos de escritores que alcanzaron el Nobel de Literatura y he escogido para comenzar, las sabias palabras de Gabriel García Márquez, …
Nobel laureate Garcia Marquez dies at 87 | AP News - Associated …
Apr 18, 2014 · MEXICO CITY (AP) — Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel laureate whose intoxicating novels and short stories exposed millions outside Latin America to its passions, …
Gabriel García Márquez – Biographical - NobelPrize.org
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1982 was awarded to Gabriel García Márquez "for his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world …
Gabriel García Márquez a 40 años del Premio Nobel
La entrega del Premio Nobel de Literatura de la Academia Sueca a Gabriel García Márquez en 1982 trajo para Colombia un momento de gran...
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1982 - NobelPrize.org
The Nobel Prize in Literature 1982 was awarded to Gabriel García Márquez "for his novels and short stories, in which the fantastic and the realistic are combined in a richly composed world …
El discurso de Gabriel García Márquez en el banquete del Premio Nobel
Como parte de la conmemoración de los 30 años del Premio Nobel de Literatura para Gabriel García Márquez, compartimos el discurso que ofreció durante el banquete de celebración del …
Gabriel García Márquez - Wikipedia
Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez, noto semplicemente come Gabriel García Márquez (Aracataca, 6 marzo 1927 [1] – Città del Messico, 17 aprile 2014), è stato uno …