Why do so many former Spanish colonies have problems with
For example, not a single former Spanish colony ranks in the top 10 of corruption in the rankings released by Transparency International. Venezuela, the highest ranking former Spanish colony, didn't really begin to experience institutionalized corruption until almost a …
Why are most former British colonies much more successful than …
Jan 11, 2022 · The former English colonies you listed were all settler colonies. Colonists would set up permanent homes, and drive off/assimilate the native population, and generally try to become self sustaining. The Spanish colonies you listed were all resource colonies.
Why is the Philippines the only former Spanish Colony that
The American colonial administrators removed Spanish from the Philippine primary school curriculum by 1901, so from then, Filipinos who attended the public school system from 1901 and beyond became illiterate in Spanish and spoke English instead, so when Spanish-educated Filipinos died out after WWII, Spanish died out in the Philippines without ...
Why are many formerly Spanish-ruled Latin American countries
Jul 29, 2017 · For one, all the nations of South America and Mesoamerica are not former Spanish colonies (Brazil was a Portuguese colony, Suriname was a Dutch colony, Guyana was a British colony, French Guiana is an overseas department of France, etc.) For two, the political corruption or instability is not necessarily an inheritance of Spanish colonial ...
Which former Spanish colonies are actually successful today?
Oct 27, 2023 · It is fallacious to say that former British colonies always succeed over former Spanish colonies, as there are tons of former British colonies that are failed states like Myanmar and Zimbabwe, while there are former Spanish colonies that are doing well economically like Chile or Costa Rica.
Why are former English colonies currently much more developed …
Nov 17, 2012 · The British colonies which relied on such crops (mostly in the Caribbean and southern Atlantic seaboard of North America) did roughly as poorly as the Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the long run. The real success stories ended up being the hard-scrabble farming and fishing communities of New England.
Why did the american colonies unite as a country while the …
Autonomism in former Spanish colonies was much stronger and more widespread than it was in the United States, due to the aforementioned disenfranchisement of the majority of the population during the colonial period. In the British 13 colonies, subjects were generally free to govern themselves through pseudo-democratic institutions.
Why are most former British colonies much more successful than …
Jan 8, 2022 · The British invested into many of their colonies, building infrastructure and settling famlies. Spain mostly saw the colonies as means of getting wealth, leaving them in a poor position centuries later. The Spanish colonies were a mess of imported slaves, soldiers with no invested interest in the colonies, natives, and escaped slaves of all kinds.
Does Spain feel any connection to its former colonies that ... - Reddit
I think this is the best comment summarizing the situation here, we lost the 'former colonies' mindset long ago and we only feel a connection to latam because they speak spanish like us and because a big part of the immigration in Spain is from latam so we interact a lot with them and feel a bond with their culture, even if its different from ours.
How do the Spanish view their former colonies? : r/askspain - Reddit
Lol, former Spanish colonies in America were prosperous and rich for a long time after the Empire disolved. Not all of them were the same, of course, some were better of than others just as nowadays. Some were richer than Spain and many other European powers, what caused migration waves from (mainly) Spain, Italy and Germany to America in the ...