c# - Using bitwise operators - Stack Overflow
I've been studying C# and ran accross some familiar ground from my old work in C++. I never understood the reason for bitwise operators in a real application. I've never used them and have never had in a reason to use them. I've been studying how they work; the example below shows the shift bitwise operator.
Most common C# bitwise operations on enums - Stack Overflow
Sep 18, 2008 · .NET's built-in flag enum operations are unfortunately quite limited. Most of the time users are left with figuring out the bitwise operation logic. In .NET 4, the method HasFlag was added to Enum which helps simplify user's code but unfortunately there are many problems with it.
c# - Can I perform bitwise operations on byte[]? - Stack Overflow
Jun 26, 2016 · implement operations on arrays yourself and use arrays; consider if BigInteger works for your cases (supports all bitwise operation on arbitrary long numbers, but there sitll no direct way to write long constanst outside regular long values) consider if BitArray works for your case (better if you just need to check/set particular bits).
c# - When are bitwise operations appropriate - Stack Overflow
Mar 25, 2012 · In the C# world it's much more common to see individual boolean fields for each value of interest, since the overhead is really not a big deal with modern hardware (though you may run into a case or two where bitwise operations are used to keep many such flags in a single variable). There is also an interesting application in graphics.
c# - practical applications of bitwise operations - Stack Overflow
Oct 7, 2010 · They can be used for a whole load of different applications, here is a questions I have previously posted here, which uses bitwise operations: Bitwise AND, Bitwise Inclusive OR question, in Java. For other examples, have a look at (say) flagged enumerations. In my example, I was using bitwise operations to change the range of a binary number ...
c# - Bitwise operation on longs - Stack Overflow
Mar 29, 2012 · Bitwise operations in C#. 1. C# Bitwise Operator With Ints. 3. C# - Bitwise operations on large integers ...
C# Bitwise Operations on shorts - Why cast to an int?
Jan 19, 2011 · The above code is supposed to be a (inefficient) example that swaps the endianness of a short (signed 16-bit integer) in C#. However the above code will not compile because C# is implicitly casting from a short to an int on both of the following lines: First case: short test1 = ((value >> 8) & 0xFF); Second case: return (test1 | test2);
c# - Bitwise operations on strings - Stack Overflow
Dec 31, 2012 · There are interesting things you can do with bitwise operations on strings with other goals, like changing their case, but I think this is what you want: // Convert the string to an integer int foo = Convert.ToInt32(sr1, 2); int bar = Convert.ToInt32(sr2, 2); // Perform binary styff int result = foo & bar; // Convert back to a string, if you ...
c# - Using bitwise operations in if statement - Stack Overflow
Oct 30, 2012 · No, you don't need to store the result in a variable (seem my first example); you just need to understand that the result will be strongly-typed as an integer, and that you will have to convert it or compare it to another integer. Note that C# doesn't consider 0 …
Bitwise assignment operators in C# - Stack Overflow
Nov 28, 2011 · Bitwise operations in C#. 9. Need help understanding usage of bitwise operators. 1. C# Bitwise Operator ...