Blue-Cloud - Seascape Belgium
Feb 5, 2025 · Blue-Cloud is a European H2020 project with the overarching aim of federating and piloting innovative services for Marine Research & the Blue Economy as a core contribution to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Blue-Cloud 2026
Blue-Cloud 2026 is a collaborative project that leverages Europe's expertise in aquatic environmental observation and data handling. Building on existing infrastructures like Copernicus and EMODnet, Blue-Cloud aims to create a federated ecosystem for FAIR and open data in marine research.
Seascape Belgium | Blue-Cloud 2026
Blue-Cloud contribution to EOSC; Blue-Cloud contribution to the EU DTO; Roadmap to 2030; External experts; Publications; H2020 Blue-Cloud; Media Kit; Services. Virtual Research Environment; Data Discovery and Access; Data Catalogue; Virtual Labs. ICOOE: Integration of coastal ocean observations along Europe; Coastal currents from observations ...
About Blue-Cloud 2026
In a nutshell, Blue-Cloud 2026 aims at a further evolution of this pilot ecosystem into a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, coastal & inland waters.
Updates on the Blue-Cloud Project | Seascape Belgium
The Blue-Cloud (B-C) Project has recently concluded its first year of operations, and with it the first round of stakeholder consultations towards building the B-C Roadmap to 2030 – the vision and strategic plan that will guide
Blue-Cloud Hackathon - e the Ocean
Starting 14 January, 2022 onwards, you will be able to download the Blue-Cloud Hackathon “ Starter Kit ” from the dedicated hackathon platform tab named “Starter Kit & Resources” that is visible to registered participants. The Starter Kit contains useful information that we recommend that you read carefully, such as how to use the ...
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About H2020 Blue-Cloud
Horizon 2020 Blue-Cloud: the European marine thematic platform to explore and demonstrate the potential of Open Science for ocean sustainability
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