The helicopters used "Bambi Buckets" to provide hundreds of gallons of water to fight wildfires, delivering water from nearby ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture cut $1 billion in funding for local food programs impacting schools and food banks.
A new downtown parking plan lowers rates for employees making under a certain wage and working within certain boundaries of ...
Most economists agree that tariffs are self-defeating because countries often retaliate with their own tariffs.
"Gus's Good Time Deli" is located near the University of Tennessee and has become a staple restaurant for students and the ...
Jean Brown established the Tennessee School of Beauty in 1930, now her grandson and great grandson run the school.
A man is facing attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting a Johnson City police officer Wednesday night. According to ...
The bill would also prevent local governments and parents from barring mental health therapy for transgender minors.
A Republican-backed bill making it a misdemeanor to impersonate a rideshare driver in Tennessee is headed to the House Floor ...
Tennessee became the first state in the country 100 years ago to ban the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms.
an unexplained absence had fans wondering where she went "The Kelly Clarkson Show." ...
Stephanie Boshears is the only Tennessee recipient for the 2024-25 award and is the first-ever recipient in Oneida Special ...