The 379 singers got off the Cunarder Saxoma at Greenock, Scotland, lined up on the pier on the River Clyde and began to sing (Loch Lomond). They kept singing all the way across Britain, ...
"If it is true that humanity’s deepest need is the need to be appreciated, then perhaps it is equally important to show appreciation," Derrick Porter observes in this week's "Music & the Spoken Word" ...
The Kingsport chapel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints live streamed a concert by the Tabernacle Choir and threw a watch party to accompany it.
(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) A bishop speaks to the congregation during a weekly sacrament meeting in ...
In the latest news in and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we focus on top women's leaders visiting ...
Among the top changes President Nelson has made, U.S. Mormons love two-hour church best of all, according to new data.