Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
Team Mauka features a total of 16 local players, and all are honored to be a part of what’s grown into a star-studded ...
A new report has uncovered where the thousands of displaced Maui residents moved to after the deadliest fire in a century ...
Over the last year, we’ve seen Asians and Pacific Islanders (APIs) in more nuanced roles in popular culture than ever ...
Renate Event & Design and The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua are excited to announce the return of the Maui Songwriters Festival ...
From cascading waterfalls, pristine white sand beaches, verdant rainforests and craggy volcano peaks, you might be wondering ...
Makawao landscape businessman Semisi Finau knows he was fortunate to receive a scholarship to play college football. Now, with hard work, the good fortune has graced his two sons and a nephew. The ...