Despite its name, soft maple is a more than adequate species for furniture, flooring, cabinets and other products.
While National Arbor Day is always in April, many Floridians do not know that Florida’s Arbor Day is the third Friday in ...
Looking at the red maple in my front yard this week I noticed something that announces every new year. Buds that were small ...
With the average UK property costing £289,000, households could earn an extra 15% on their asking price thanks to this simple ...
One day, after a 6:30 a.m. hot yoga class, I wandered into the smoothie bar next door and saw overnight oats on the menu. It ...
I am convinced it is payback for taking down those buggy, old maple trees. In a gesture of goodwill, I filled the backyard ...
Paperbark maple trees (Acer griseum ... These blooms morph into purplish-brown seed pods that spiral to the earth in autumn when its leaves turn orange, red, or purple. The leaves tend to reach ...
As kids, we used to throw them up, then look to the sky as we watched the "helicopters" land on the earth below our feet. But, did you know Maple seed pods (Samaras) are edible and packed with protein ...
When the decorations are tucked away and ornaments shelved for another year, many holiday revelers are left with a quickly ...
Established trees can create a challenging environment for other plants, so opting to grow resilient shrubs underneath them ...
January is a rough month in any calendar year, but this year it just seems to be a really tough month to get through.
A couple of weeks ago, the doorbell-camera app on my phone flashed an alert: There is motion at your front door. This was ...