In putting on the Greek tragedy "Antigone," the focus for the Rock River Players is on the play's artistry and poetry.
Originally penned on February 19, 2020, WT President Wendler's column looks at how leadership can react to the message - and ...
So teaches “Antigone.” Sophocles’ Greek tragedy, wherein a young woman holds her own against a tyrant ruler who refuses to bury one of her brothers, endures precisely because its themes ...
Where there was dignity in life there should be dignity in death. So teaches “Antigone.” Sophocles’ Greek tragedy, wherein a young woman holds her own against a tyrant ruler who refuses to ...
A few years ago, the UK’s National Theatre staged an exceptionally moving Christmas show. Among the characters were a pregnant woman and her partner, searching for a place to rest. So far, so seasonal ...
Going strong for 30 years now, SCSC is taking their act on the road, staging their October production of the Greek tragedy ... staging of the Sophocles tragedy “Antigone." ...
Her name signifies the qualities of bravery and endurance. Antigone - Antigone means "against birth" and is a central character in Greek tragedy, known for her defiance against the king's orders to ...