Dogs are friendly animals; however, every dog has a unique personality. Certain breeds tend to be a little more sociable than ...
Watching puppies do just about anything is something that most of us enjoy. They're so curious and still a bit clumsy.
Fudge and Buddy are just two of the dogs waiting to meet their special someone at Dogs Trust Ballymena. There are lots of ...
Those silly little plant-grabbing claws just seal the deal too, she's like the physical embodiment of this video. I’m starting to see why Jurassic Park founders made the ill-advised decision to ...
One of the best relationships in the world is with someone you grew up with, like siblings. You often share the same memories with slight differences, and no one knows you better than someone who has ...
Chapstick. It's the ultimate childhood snack. No flavor is safe, though some are preferred (like the Dr. Pepper Lip Smackers), and eventually, we mostly grow out of it. However, my own and a lot of ...
If that’s all the Casio Ring Watch was, I’d still love it. But as silly as it might sound, I’ve found it surprisingly practical to have a tiny watch on my finger. Case in point, it’s rude ...