The company offered service under the Cellular One brand in most regions. Although originally a TDMA carrier in most areas, the company migrated to GSM technology.
Learn more While T-Mobile and AT&T share similar network technologies (previously known as GSM carriers), their services and offerings couldn't be any more different. Ultimately, the decision to ...
In the U.S., AT&T and T-Mobile are GSM carriers. Contrast with CDMA phone. See GSM. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction requires permission.
RCS brings a better messaging experience between iPhone and Android vs. SMS or MMS. RCS chats have some features found in ...
The first touchscreen BlackBerry phone. Introduced in 2008, the Storm was a dual-band phone that supported both CDMA and GSM carriers. The original Storm touchscreen featured SurePress technology ...
technology to enable seamless handover between GSM and Wi-Fi networks. Orange will be one of the first carriers to offer the handset, according to Nokia. UMA is a specification developed by ...