Another cofactor, TFIIB, recognizes a different common consensus sequence, G/C G/C G/C G C C C, approximately 38 to 32 bases upstream (Figure 4). Enhancer sequences do what their name suggests ...
One distinct feature of transcription factors is that they have DNA-binding domains that give them the ability to bind to specific sequences of DNA called enhancer or promoter sequences.
During transcription, proteins bind to sequences of DNA, such as promoters and enhancers, inside the cell to directly impact ...
Can small circles of DNA, once dismissed as irrelevant, actually be major contributors to cancer development? Three new research studies ... | Genetics And Genomics ...
The fluorescent glow of mouse brain cells on the right indicates the effectiveness of a human-derived gene enhancer, HAQER0059, versus a 6 million year old version of the enhancer at left ...
In all, the team found 164 variants associated with psychiatric disorders and 46,802 sequences with enhancer activity in developing neurons, meaning they control the function of a given gene.