The newest installment of the Eugene Lesbian History Project is the documentary "Outliers and Outlaws." JPR's Vanessa Finney talks with director Courtney Hermann and G Chesler - Producer of Impact, ...
Though long out of publication, pieces of New England history live in its pages. The Globe mapped the listings.
"Generations after us will be able to say that's where history was made," said Guilford County Commissioners Chair Melvin ...
Portland's sewer system combines sewage and runoff into the same pipes. Sometimes heavy rains cause those pipes to overflow. But a sewer overhaul 14 years ago has drastically reduced this pollution.
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will mark the 65 th Anniversary of the Woolworth Sit-Ins./ On ...
On her own, the London-born Faithfull specialized at first in genteel ballads, among them “Come Stay With Me,” “Summer Nights ...
This past Monday marked not only International Holocaust Remembrance Day but also the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
The Oregon Legislature celebrated the life of Peter Courtney on Wednesday. Courtney was the longest-serving legislator and ...
Michael Corrie has done the walk down the street hundreds of times, all with the same mission in mind: cleaning up graffiti.He's sick and tired of it and always ...
Courtney's oratory skills were unequaled and his influence over state politics arguably unmatched. Perhaps most noteworthy in today’s era, he embodied a style of government he believed was the “Oregon ...
Remembrances are happening January 31 and February 1, marking the 65th anniversary of the Greensboro sit-ins. The building ...
Over the past 60 years, the world has changed in ways that would have been unimaginable in 1965. Here's a quick look back.