Ms Kaja KALLAS (Estonia), appointed High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on 24 July 2024 by the European Council, with the agreement of the President-elect of the ...
The Council adopted a revision of the EU’s financial regulation, which lays down the financial rules applicable to the EU budget. The main reason for this targeted revision is the need to align the ...
On the anniversary of the death of Jina Mahsa Amini, we honour her memory and the 'Women, Life, freedom' movement driven by the courage and determination of countless Iranians, especially women. Two ...
The European Union strongly condemns the recent transfer of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to Russia. This transfer is a direct threat to European security and represents a substantive material ...
The Analysis and Research Team (ART) is the Council's in-house research service. It produces a wide range of papers and research publications from current geopolitical developments to longer-term ...
Coreper I is composed of each country's deputy permanent representatives. Its meetings are chaired by the deputy permanent representative of the country holding the presidency of the Council of the ...
The Working Party on Human rights (COHOM) deals with human rights aspects of the external relations of the EU and supports the Council's decision-making process in this area. In addition, COHOM ...