Kandace Brown, a mother of five, faced a challenging situation when she was summoned for jury duty while exclusively brea ...
After a mother of a breastfed child claimed a judge threatened her with DHR, lawmakers said they would file bills to address the situation.
Kandace Brown reported to the Jefferson County Courthouse with her 3-month-old and said she was met with threats and hostility from judges.
Hoover, is working to prefile a bill that would excuse nursing mothers from serving on a jury. DuBose said she was motivated ...
A Jefferson County mom says a circuit court judge threatened to call DHR after she brought her 3-month-old baby with her to ...
Mother of four, Kandace Brown, said she was summoned to jury duty by the Jefferson County Court in December. Brown said jury ...
They all made us, the other mothers there, feel like because we had our children there we were doing something wrong,” said ...
A Jefferson County mom says a circuit court judge threatened to call DHR after she brought her 3-month-old baby with her to report for jury duty.