Newark Advocate faith columnist Jeff Gill explores the history of Valentine's Day and how it connects to today's interpretation of the holiday.
As couples across the world prepared for Valentine's Day in February 2025, a rumor cropped up on social media that St. Valentine is not only the patron saint of lovers, but also of beekeepers ...
Candles are lit at the foot of a statue of St. Valentine inside the Shrine of St. Valentine in Dublin. (photo: Courtesy of Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Shrine of St. Valentine ...
A saint of the Roman calendar, St. Valentine was a popular man in the days of Emperor Claudius. He was a born matchmaker and became popular. However, a Sheboygan Press article reported that somehow ...
But while some see it as a commercialized "Hallmark holiday," the occasion actually has ancient roots in Roman history and connections to Saint Valentine. Valentine's Day is the perfect chance to ...
A prisoner named "Valentine" was said in one tale to have written a note signed "from your Valentine" to his jailer's daughter, according to the Feb. 13, 2024, article.