The president says the tech tycoons are "smart guys," but stops short of saying he trusts them The post Trump Says Zuckerberg ...
Meta said it laid off 20 workers for leaking info to the media, as it faces pressure over the recent political shift of its ...
Tech leaders Musk and Zuckerberg support Trump but face declining popularity, with Democrats overwhelmingly disapproving ...
Meta has fired approximately 20 employees for leaking confidential company information, with additional dismissals expected.
The president’s order for investigations of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs target philanthropies that hold $900 ...
Americans still hate Mark Zuckerberg more than Elon Musk - For years, most Americans have viewed Musk more favorably than ...
Meta dismissed 20 employees for leaking confidential information, amid scrutiny of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's ties to the Trump ...
Meta has fired 20 employees for leaking confidential company information, with more terminations expected. The decision ...
Social media titans Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk got prime seats at Donald Trump’s inauguration in January, among Cabinet ...