There were plenty of birds at Clear Lake east of Stavely ... Stopping at the north end of the lake to try for pictures of ...
A small plane became a chimera of gore when its propellors sliced through a flock of birds, covering the aircraft in blood.
GALLERY - LAC LA NONNE - Laura Lockwood-Cox, a Lac La Nonne Resident, was fortunate enough to catch photos of swans pausing ...
Record-breaking heat, extreme weather, air pollution, and the spread of infectious disease: climate change poses a vast and ...
New research reveals how parrots and finches develop their extraordinary colours – and shows that evolution is an ongoing ...
Recent studies reveal how birds develop their vibrant colors. Parrots create pigments called psittacofulvins, while finches ...
Months of hot and dry weather, with only 23mm of rain recorded over seven months, drove some species to seek food and water in the city.
While you may want birds visiting your garden, there's an invasive weed species that could cause them to overstay their ...