The current Google Doodle sees two ducks playing cricket with the search engine celebrating the start of IPL 2025.
From excessive drink customizations to incorrect orders, here's what baristas absolutely hate to receive from customers and ...
Two-thirds of the state’s roughly 100 jails and prisons in Texas are not fully air conditioned in inmate housing areas.
While dictatorial countries celebrate its demise, VOA journalists are continuing its mission — now in the courtroom, instead ...
Descendent is a chilling blend of aliens, anxiety, and humanity’s false sense of control that provides a refreshing wade into ...
Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting advice column. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here.
Even if they’ve outgrown the Easter bunny, teenagers don't want to be left out of the fun. Here are the best Easter basket ...
Whether aiding or annihilating your friends in games, it's always best to go local. Discover the best couch multiplayer games ...