Researchers believe oaths have the power to increase honest behavior, but they often come with penalties for transgressions, ...
Some believers in Jesus become addicted to receiving words of personal prophecy, attending meeting after meeting in search of ...
Experts called this phenomenon the “rise of the nones,” a group that includes atheists, agnostics and people who said in ...
Most U.S. adults say whether something is right or wrong often depends on the situation (55%), and that you can be moral ...
A Texas senator filed a bill in the Texas legislature that would require the 10 Commandments to be displayed in public school ...
On Monday the Nebraska Legislature’s Education Committee dove into multiple topics of religion in schools in a meeting that lasted for hours.
Throughout his life, William Stringfellow was the modern incarnation of an Old Testament prophet, calling out lies and ...
Not all atheists are created equal. Some raise sincere questions; others simply attack. Learn how to respond to both ...
Bills in the Nebraska Legislature would require the Ten Commandments and "In God We Trust" to be displayed in schools.
Nebraska legislators proposed bills to allow for chaplains add the national and state mottos and the Ten Commandments to ...
In an opinion, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman says displaying the Ten Commandments in public school classrooms and ...