The third installment of the Knives Out franchise is set to premiere later this year, and Netflix has already shared a sneak peek of what's to come. The film is titled Wake Up Dead Man.
WWE brings one of its highlight events to Indianapolis. What is Royal Rumble, when does it start and who will wrestle ...
Kurt Angle is one of the greatest in-ring talents in pro wrestling history, but he wasn't entirely thrilled with how his ...
Kurt Angle embodied the 'Three I's' during his WWE Hall of Fame career: Intensity, Integrity, and Intelligence. Perhaps no opponent brought the intensity out o ...
Owens will face Rhodes for the Undisputed WWE Title in a ladder match at the Royal Rumble on February 1st. Also on tonight's ...
In 2007, Benoit murdered his wife and child before taking his own life. After the tragedy, it emerged that the former ...
Triple H was among WWE's most prominent superstars in 2004. One of his rivals that year, Nick Dinsmore, recently recalled how ...