Days after the film's trailer was unveiled in Chennai by Vetri Maran and Anurag Kashyap and subsequent criticism that ensued on social media, the film's actress Shanthi Priya took to social media ...
John Wayne had no problems making bad movies because of a valuable piece of advice he received from Will Rogers on the set of ...
What makes a Marianne Faithfull song great is something an artist can’t buy or learn: It’s the sound of experience. Faithfull’s most haunting (and haunted) quality as an artist was the raspy world ...
The spot has been mocked and spoofed for years, but when it disappeared from screens fans of the actress rose up ...
One player made history in the process. Senior guard Colin Cordle set a new program single-game record with 48 points to help ...
10 Dundas St. E, Suite 402, Toronto, Ontario M5B 2G9, 416-977-9262 ...
American rapper Snoop Dogg has hit back at criticism after his performance at Donald Trump’s Crypto Ball sparked major backlash from fans.
"Find someone made just for you." ...