Aristotle reshaped traditional ideas about tragedy to assess his own opinions about the structure and effect of tragic genre. Perhaps no other subject has caused as much scholarly debate as the ...
The three great playwrights of tragedy were Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides. Aristotle argued that tragedy cleansed the heart through pity and terror, purging us of our petty concerns and ...
In Physics, Book II, Ch. 3 Aristotle distinguishes four causes or, better, four explanatory factors that can be given in the answer to the question of why an entity changes in whatever ways it does ...
The great Greek philosopher, Aristotle, was one of the first. He thought that slavery was a natural thing and that human beings came in two types - slaves and non-slaves. For that some should rule ...
Many of the sayings we use daily were first coined by Aristotle (384-BC – 322 BC). His studies in living the Good Life (nothing to do with Felicity Kendall looking seductive in dungarees and ...
Kagaku tetsugaku, Vol. 43, Issue. 1, p. 15. This is a book about Aristotle's philosophy of language, interpreted in a framework that provides a comprehensive interpretation of Aristotle's metaphysics, ...
384-322 B.C. The Greek philosopher Aristotle is thought to be the first ... One Package, the court rules that physicians can receive contraceptive devices and information via the mail unless ...
According to a source, Jackie's world "was steeped in power, glamour and wealth, but her life was more deeply marred by pain ...
According to Texas statute, a driver – traveling in either direction on a roadway – must stop when approaching a school bus ...
The rules of outdoor hockey are very similar to the laws of football, except that players must use their sticks and not their feet to play the ball. Only the goalkeepers are able to use their feet, ...