As official supplier of the Vendée Globe, the Hyundai brand, distributed by Océane Automobiles, a group established in the Vendée département for over 30 years, provides the organization with an ...
Sharing part of the technical team, pooling the design office, the data to be analysed and certain areas of activity... What if sharing resources was a boon, a performance advantage? In any case, that ...
In order to improve their performance in a holistic way, Vendée Globe sailors work on various aspects such as technical mastery, tactics, nutrition, sleep, mental health but also physical preparation.
In line with the environmental commitments it unveiled at its press conference at UNESCO last February, the Vendée Globe has approached Gobi to design its official water bottle, in order to eliminate ...
Book your free tickets to visit the Vendée Globe Village! This ticket shop is reserved for groups of more than 10 people. The time slots available for booking relate to your estimated time of arrival.
Afin d'améliorer leurs performances de manière holistique, les marins du Vendée Globe travaillent différents aspects comme la ...
La conférence de presse de la 10e édition du Vendée Globe s'est déroulée ce jeudi 19 septembre à la Seine Musicale à Paris.