It was a horrible place to be, wedged between the suspicion of cases and the inability to test them,” said former city Health ...
Some accurate medical information was removed from the CDC’s website last month, and we gave you some tips on where to look ...
Refrain from publicly issuing any document (e.g., regulation, guidance, notice, grant announcement) or communication (e.g., ...
CDC requested answers about foreign aid programs from grant recipients who do no work abroad. It turns out to have been a ...
Almost 6 in 10 Americans who identify as Republican do not trust the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to ...
Most Americans still trust information from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and National Institute of Health (NIH) five ...
"Many people feel big Pharma actually feared me more than they feared Bobby because of my credibility and my knowledge of science," says former congressman Dave Weldon, whose CDC nomination was pulled ...
A team of volunteer archivists has recreated the Centers for Disease Control website, called, as it appeared ...
The CDC on Friday launched a database about current and former members of its independent vaccine advisory committee, ...
The CDC was in the middle of updating a public health surveillance system when the Trump administration started shedding workers. What happens next could exemplify the impact to key government ...