ArtsQuest’s new $32 million arts and cultural center planned for south Bethlehem to replace the shuttered Banana Factory now ...
Every year, Musikfest comes around to Bethlehem, giving both big-name musicians and relative unknowns an opportunity to take the stage and share their art with close to 1 million festival goers ...
BETHLEHEM, Pa. -- All this week, we're hearing from the artists bringing their sounds Musikfest 2024. 69 News reporter Blakely McHugh was able to speak with Emma Bockrath. This will be ...
During its meeting Thursday afternoon, Northampton County Council approved transferring $10,000 from the county's contingency fund to ArtsQuest to establish a "sober space" during Musikfest 2025.
Am 14. Februar erklingt Beethovens Septett im Freiraum. Der Eintritt ist frei. An diesem Abend wird das Programm für das ...
Der Spielmannszug Rösebeck feiert in diesem Jahr sein 65-jähriges Bestehen. Über das geplante Musikfest am ersten ...
Bis Freitag hatten sich 487 Vereine für das Eidgenössische Musikfest 2026 angemeldet. In eineinhalb Jahren werden in Biel über 550 Vereine mit 25'000 Musikerinnen und Musikern sowie mehrere ...
Every year, Musikfest comes around to Bethlehem, giving both big-name musicians and relative unknowns an opportunity to take the stage and share their art with close to 1 million festival goers ...