Holocaust Museum LA, in partnership with The Ebell of Los Angeles, will present a performance of the inspiring musical 'Vilna ...
The synagogue formed the heart of a once-thriving Jewish community that was virtually obliterated during the Holocaust. (JTA) — A new excavation has unearthed parts of the Great Synagogue of ...
Both sides are naturally at fault. It was more than galling to Lithuania to lose her largest city and ancient capital, Vilna, as well as large tracts of her southeastern territory. She lost them ...
The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
Remaining in Lithuania after the war, she became a keeper of the flame of the city’s once illustrious Yiddish culture. Lithuania’s Jews and Yiddishists around the world are mourning the ...
Political centre of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the 13th to the end of the 18th century ... Capital del Gran Ducado de Lituania desde el siglo XIII hasta finales del XVIII, Vilna tuvo una gran ...