New York City Ballet’s acclaimed production of Balanchine’s masterpiece, which premiered on February 2, 1954, helped to establish The Nutcracker and its score as perennial favorites in the ...
“The Nutcracker,” an annual student-run ensemble by Cardinal Ballet Company (CBC), has been transporting audiences to a winter wonderland since 1993. On Dec. 8, CBC brought the holiday season to life ...
Performances of Keith Michael’s The Nutcracker at Florence Gould Theater (55 East 59th Street in New York City) are scheduled for Saturday, December 21 at 11:00am, 1:00pm, and 3:30pm and Sunday ...
Emma Von Enck, Principal Dancer with the New York City Ballet joins CBS New York to discuss her roles in George Balanchine's The Nutcracker. Elon Musk's Ex-Wife And Mother To His 5 Kids Says His ...