Most people (including me) zest citrus by rubbing the fruit back and forth over a microplane or fine grater. This method ...
Rotate the fruit and continue removing the rind, being careful to remove all the white pith without removing too much fruit. Repeat with all the citrus fruits and set the peel aside for another ...
The white pith just under the skins of citrus fruit is high in pectin. Any citrus fruit can be used, but choose ones that have a thick layer of white pith for good results with this recipe.
Here’s how to pick the best of the citrus pile when you’re at the grocery ... generally suggests a juicier orange that has a thinner pith, aka more fruit inside. Stay away from wrinkly or ...
Supreme the citrus: Trim top and bottom from fruit. Set fruit on end and cut away peel and pith, slicing top to bottom following curve of fruit. Hold peeled orange and insert knife between ...
Transfer the sorbet into the frozen tangerine shells ... gently pushing the spoon between the segments and the thin outer pith, gradually taking out a few segments at a time.