Have you ever seen a cross-eyed cat? While this is common in some cat breeds, there are other reasons a cat's eyes can become ...
As the use of smartphones and other digital devices increases, more children are experiencing deteriorating vision.
We have trained more than 30 fellows since its inception. This clinical fellowship in Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus is a one-year Texas Medical Board approved post-residency training program ...
ORLANDO — In this Healio Video Perspective from Telling It Like It Is, William B. Trattler, MD, discusses a complex case of pediatric cataract surgery. Children who wore soft multifocal contact ...
We offer specialist MMedSci courses for eyecare professionals. Our Vision and Strabismus programme is the only online course of its kind. Off Our three-year MMedSci courses are open to orthoptists, ...