In December 1944, the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg attended a small dinner party in Budapest; also at the table was the Nazi Adolf Eichmann. The two men were in Hungary on opposing missions ...
“If I can help,” said Raoul Wallenberg, “if I can save a single person, I will go.” With Zeal & Energy. Wallenberg went. He arrived in Budapest listed officially as third secretary of the ...
Raoul Wallenberg was a Swede with an international ... As the third secretary of the Swedish legation, Wallenberg arrived in Budapest in a windbreaker and heavy skiing boots, carrying three ...
U-M alum Raoul Wallenberg was born in Sweden and educated ... "As a Swedish diplomat stationed in Budapest in 1944, while Hungarian authorities were actively cooperating with the Nazis to deport ...
17 marked Raoul Wallenberg Day ... cruellest and most efficient killing field in the Holocaust. Wallenberg arrived in Budapest as a member of the Swedish Legation in July 1944 and, in a remarkable ...