The dots on the left map show the locations where samples from Greenland polar bears were collected. The new Southeast Greenland population, shown as red dots, is located between 60 and 64 degrees ...
This strategy is so effective, it's made observation difficult for scientists hoping to map ... Svalbard polar bear families emerged from their dens around March 9th, and abandoned them earlier than ...
Monitoring polar bear populations is important for their conservation and management, but is also challenging because they occupy vast, remote, and extreme regions. With the loss of sea ice, ...
The great white polar bear is the youngest and largest of the world's bear species — a mighty hunter and fierce defender of its young that's among the world's most vulnerable animals. Two-thirds of ...
Scientists forecast the polar bear population may decrease by 30% by 2050. Presently, the population is estimated at 25-27 thousand. Yakutia is home for the Laptev population, estimated at 800 ...