The Pokot of Amudat district and western Kenya follow a culture that has ensured the sustainability of their semi-arid environments. In most cases, the trees are individually owned and rarely cut.
However, I have been in touch and I’ve been working and connected to the people of West Pokot. You know West Pokot is a marginalised area and an arid community and schools are not good.
It is reported that the warriors first had a crossfire with the Pian pastoralists where they killed two people and injured ...
The Samburu, Maasai and Rendille tribes of Kenya are famous for their ... take them off when they marry Their neighbours include the Pokot, who live on the Ugandan border, and the Gabra who ...
West Pokot County Commissioner Khalif Abdullahi said the mine caved in around 12.30 pm while workers were inside. The collapse took place near Kenieba, in Mali's western, gold-rich Kayes region.
Between February to date, at least five people have been killed, and an unspecified number of cattle stolen by the armed ...
According to KUPPET, the three teachers were arrested by the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) officers while entering the school ...
Lewis Hamilton spending his time with the people Pokot. (Courtesy) Seven-time Formula One world champion Lewis Hamilton has disclosed that his trip to Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Namibia has left ...