Borussia Dortmund have confirmed the arrival of new head coach Niko Kovač.Kovač was revealed to be the new man in charge at ...
The appointment of the Croatian represents a break from the norm at the Westfalenstadion but it might be the shock treatment ...
Falcons has officially confirmed the addition of Nikola “⁠NiKo⁠” Kovač to their Counter-Strike 2 roster. The news was announced in an X (formerly Twitter) post by the official Falcons Esports handle, ...
Direktorico Inštituta 8. marec Niko Kovač je neznanec fizično napadel sredi Ljubljane, so na Twitterju zapisali v inštitutu. Nika Kovač je podala prijavo na policijo, kjer se je zaradi fizičnega ...
FaZe Clan have announced that their new fifth player will be mousesports' star player, Nikola "NiKo" Kovač. Earlier in the week, North American organisation FaZe Clan announced that they had agreed to ...
(Direktorica Inštituta 8. marec Nika Kovač v intervjuju v oddaji Ena na ena na POP TV; o razliki med Inštitutom 8. marec in gibanjem Za otroke gre) ...
Speaking to Sky Sport, former Bayern Munich coach Niko Kovač has admitted that the club apparently gave him an order to bench ...
Niko Kovač ni več trener francoskega prvoligaša Monaca. Kovač je ekipo prevzel julija lani, ko je zamenjal Roberta Morena, a z njo ni dosegel želenih uspehov. Ekipa je lani v francoskem prvenstvu ...
Niko Kovac will be the new coach of Borussia Dortmund as last season's Champions League runner-up looks to rescue a troubled ...
marec Nika Kovač, je njeno srečanje z Golobom konec julija v drugem poskusu vendarle uspelo. Danes je Niko Kovač sprejela še predsednica državnega zbora Urška Klakočar Zupančič. Povedala je, da bi ...
Borussia Dortmund has announced the appointment of Niko Kovač as the club's new head coach, starting from February 2, 2025. Kovač, along with his assistant coaches Robert Kovač and Filip Tapalović, ...