Julia Butch, a conservation specialist at Huron Pines, met with volunteer leaders at the Emily Min Hunt Nature Preserve in ...
The Center for Biological Diversity claims that without Endangered Species Act protections, the amphibians could become ...
The Center for Biological Diversity today sued the Trump administration for delaying Endangered Species Act protections for the Kern Canyon slender salamander and relictual slender salamander in ...
On a recent trip to Tennessee, I lost count of how many people told me the same strange and unusual thing about Great Smoky Mountains National Park. If you stacked up all of the park’s salamanders ...
Other woodland lungless salamanders include the slimy salamander, known by its white-flecked black body, large size (six inches) and the copious amounts of sticky mucous it produces when handled. The ...
Most remaining yellow-spotted woodland salamander populations consist of only one or a few individuals. This slender, purplish-brown lungless salamander is distinguished by two rows of yellow spots ...
Check out our stories here. Bolitoglossa salamanders are also known as “‘mushroom-tongued’ or ‘tropical lungless’ salamanders” and have “a very long and rapidly projected tongue ...