The Harry Potter franchise follows the adventures of Harry Potter, starting from age eleven to the time he is seventeen years ...
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw: the famous four houses of Hogwarts. Every student is placed into one by the Sorting Hat, as is shown in both the first book and the first movie (minus ...
While Harry Potter fans were guided through the books effectively forced to feel a certain way about Gryffindor, house of our heroes, Harry, Ron and Hermione, and about Slytherin, child villain ...
You will get school robes and scarves that will be your house colors. Gryffindor red, Ravenclaw blue, Slytherin green, Hufflepuff yellow. So yeah just…style. But there are plenty of outfits that ...
We decided more celebrities needed shuffling into houses, so, according to the personality traits of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and Ravenclaw, here's 12 major stars and where they'd end up ...
As HBO's promised "faithful adaptation" looms closer, the prospect of a series that can cover book plots lost to the beloved ...
Yarn in burgundy for Gryffindor, yellow for Hufflepuff, blue for Ravenclaw, green for Slytherin (MC) Yarn gold for Gryffindor, black for Hufflepuff, bronze for Ravenclaw (movie), grey for ...