Nearly 500 buildings in the state capital get their heat from a clean, renewable source located deep in the ground.
PGW will study the possibility of installing the renewable energy system for John F. McCloskey Elementary School and Dorothy ...
Unlike solar and wind energy, geothermal energy is always available, 365 days a year. It’s also relatively inexpensive; savings from direct use can be as much as 80 percent over fossil fuels.
in Coney Island, Brooklyn, are among the first market-rate developments in the city to use a geothermal system, too – but pale in comparison to The Riverie’s massive 790,000-square-foot blueprint.
“CPA is committed to serving our customers with clean, reliable electricity and our ongoing partnership with Fervo Energy allows us to leverage their breakthrough technology to access geothermal ...
Increased access to and transport of geothermal energy from subterranean depths could result in enhanced electricity production for use by businesses and consumers across Pennsylvania. Electricity ...