These are works of art that go beyond mere class ... Many thousands of years after that image was made, George Stubbs painted romantic scenes of horses in combat with lions at Creswell Crags ...
A painting by British artist George Stubbs is expected to sell for up to £2 million ($2.5 million) in London next week, as it comes to auction for the first time in more than 50 years.
The horse is set against a dimly lit rural background, with a church spire in the background, but, like with all Stubbs’ work, the focus is squarely on the steed itself. Born in 1724 ...
A painting by British artist George Stubbs is expected to sell for up to ... “It was in this year that ‘The Anatomy of the Horse,’ a project that had occupied him for much of the previous ...
30.5 x 40 cm. (12 x 15.7 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
It’s 262 years since George Stubbs ... learning difficulties have now followed in the famous artist’s steps - standing where ...