They note that the most recent nationwide assessment of endangered reptiles by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio), an arm of the Brazilian Ministry for the ...
There a lot of natural diversity in New Mexico, but some of its most unique flora and fauna are under threat of extinction.
and 21 percent of reptiles. This loss is driven by human activity, including habitat destruction, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change, as well as human overpopulation. The Endangered ...
The tuatara is a reptile native to New Zealand, and thanks to the descendants of stowaway rats on 17th century ships, these little lizards are critically endangered. [Warren] was asked if he could ...
A genetic analysis reveals that Fiji’s iguanas are most closely related to lizards living in North America’s deserts. How is ...
Green turtles are listed as an endangered species. Despite this, they are still killed for their meat and eggs. Their numbers are also reduced by boat propeller accidents, fishnet-caused drowning ...
Candidate designation provides no protection for species, and species can remain in limbo on the list for years or even decades; under the second Bush administration, the number of species protected ...
Amphibians and reptiles are among the most endangered vertebrate groups in the world. ARC began its conservation work in “Charleston’s backyard”, the Francis Marion National Forest.
Our Endangered Species program has ... The Center is working to protect amphibians and reptiles on the knife-edge of extinction — species facing a profound extinction crisis unlike any other. We're ...