The second Mexican Empire promises to prove as ephemeral as ... to make common cause with the clergy against the oppressor of Mexico. The mere mention of a coalition of this nature, must ...
And although in Mexico there is a form of government of the Republic, other forms of government have also arisen, for example, the Empire. And it is that throughout the country's history as an ...
This was led by Agustín de Iturbide, the first emperor of Mexico. Subsequently, after the second French intervention in the country, the Second Empire took place in Mexico, which ran from 1863 to ...
Throughout its history, Mexico has faced a series of epic, violent struggles that have defined its culture and identity. The series looks at this often-overlooked history of the United States ...
Between 1345 and 1521 C.E., the Aztec Empire flourished in what is now central and southern Mexico. The Aztecs were highly advanced in agriculture and trade, largely thanks to an elite group of ...
A CEDULA (tax certificate) from the Philippine revolution of 1896, a 1766 Barilla coin minted in Manila, a four-real Mexican coin from the 19th century, and an eight-real coin from the short-lived ...