Around 600 million years ago, Earth was home to strange, soft-bodied sea creatures, but a powerful asteroid impact in what is ...
The 700–1,300 feet-wide space rock deformed rocks more than six miles from the impact site when it hit 600 million years ago.
An ancient impact structure in remote northern Australia was recently spotted by one of NASA's Earth-observing satellite ...
Anyone who has ever wondered what their neck of the woods looked like when even extinct species like dinosaurs roamed the ...
Complex, multicellular organisms emerged, setting the stage for the explosion of life on the planet over 500 million years ago in a time epoch known as the Ediacaran Period. But it didn't happen ...
Sprigg’s discovery proved important as a first signal that the period now called Ediacaran, not the Cambrian just following it, was where the saga of bigness and complexity began. Then in 1967 a ...
University of Rochester researchers studied Earth’s magnetic field during the transformative Ediacaran Period, which spanned from about 635 to 541 million years ago. The research raises ...
The fossils found date back to a geological and evolutionary period known as the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition. This was when the Ediacaran Period, which spanned 94 million years from the end of the ...
leading to a rise in oxygen that drove an explosion of multicellular organisms during the Ediacaran Period The proto-bird lived some 120 million years ago and did not have teeth—a trait more ...