Video captures the shocking moment prosecutors accidentally played footage of a nude woman and another bizarre and unrelated ...
In a bizarre courtroom occurrence during the trial of former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, a prosecutor accidentally ...
During their visit at El Vallado recreational unit, the couple got the chance to witness some traditional Colombian dance ...
"Harry has always been tactile." Related: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Colombia Trip: All the Best Photos Prince Harry and Meghan have displayed their dance moves on several occasions ...
This includes one of MarCe’s favorites, the Cumbia – the national dance of Colombia which features mostly movement from the hips up while the feet basically stay in place. The Cumbia is a ...
From the streets of New York City rich with cultural Latino heritage, to the vibrant barrios of Cali, Colombia, director Juan ...
In a major blooper in the bribery trial of former Colombian President Alvaro Uribe, Prosecutor Marlene Orjuela accidentally ...