PRISTINA, Kosovo — Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti on Tuesday again refused to report to the Special Prosecutor’s Office that had summoned him as a witness in an alleged corruption case ...
Kryeministri i Kosovës, Albin Kurti, nuk u paraqit në Prokurorinë Specialetë martën me 04.03 në orën 10:00, siç e kishte urdhëruar Gjykata Themelore në Prishtinë. Prokuroria e ka ftuar ...
Albin Kurti, leader of the Vetëvendosje Movement and current Prime Minister of Kosovo, has declared the victory of his party and the coalition with Guxo and Alternativa in the parliamentary ...
Albin Kurti’s Vetevendosje won again, but Sunday’s election in Kosovo left him short of a majority to govern alone. Kosovo woke up on Monday facing more political questions than answers ...
Polls have opened in Kosovo’s parliamentary election, seen as a referendum on Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who has been at odds with his Western allies over relations with neighbouring Serbia.
Early predictions are incumbent PM Albin Kurti could fall short of more than 50% of the vote needed for a parliamentary majority. Mr Kurti has worried Western governments during his term in office ...
Preliminary results from Kosovo’s legislative elections show incumbent Prime Minister Albin Kurti's party in the lead, but short of the majority needed to govern alone. With 73% of the votes ...
Pristina - February 09, 2025 Kosovo parliamentary elections are held today, Sunday February 9. With 38,2% of the preferences, the Levizja VetoVendosja party wins the elections. These are the most ...
A month after elections in Kosovo took place, Prime Minister Albin Kurti says he cannot even start talks with potential coalition partners until the result of the February 9 vote is formally ...
Albin Kurti, President of the left-wing Vetevendosje party, arrives to vote as Kosovo holds a parliamentary election in Pristina, 9 February 2025 ...