It expresses a direct relationship between what producers supply and what consumers demand in an economy and how that relationship affects the price of a specific product or service. Aggregate ...
Within Europe, just about all countries are looking to increase their defence spending, although by varying amounts.
National Development Planning Minister Rachmat Pambudy stated that the free nutritious meals program has the potential to ...
The main plank of Keynes’s theory, which has come to bear his name, is the assertion that aggregate demand—measured as the sum of spending by households, businesses, and the government—is the most ...
The European Commission unveiled on Wednesday its Affordable Energy Action Plan, which aims to cut industrial and household bills by tens of billions of euros and speed up the decarbonisation of power ...
Based on preliminary assessment of the issues involved, JK Lakshmi Cement said it is of "the view that the demand is fallacious, legally untenable and would be set aside in the course of proceedings".
Further, it will look to aggregate LNG demand from European companies to help them secure long-term deals as a shelter from short-term volatility. In addition, the Commission will recommend that ...