The Orks are one of the best factions in Warhammer 40,000, and everybody has a soft spot for these big green boys. Everyone ...
Goatboy here with some solutions to fixing the new Ork "More Dakka" Detachment - one of 40K 10th Edition's most pressing ...
The Orks in 40k are a little different from the traditional ... While they are not a united army, the Orks will occasionally join under the banner of a particularly large warboss and form a ...
If they were to ever unite under one banner, the entire Ork faction would quickly overwhelm most others. Chaos Space Marines are some of Warhammer 40k's most feared characters, and not all of them ...
Goatboy here with a lean and mean 40K Ork "More Dakka" Detachment armylist  you should expect to face at a tabletop near you!