For a start, it’s a ‘half-frame’ 35mm film camera, using standard 35mm film canister but splitting each frame into two images. Instead of 36 shots on a roll, you therefore get 72 or thereabouts, with ...
In the event your camera doesn't have a built-in double exposure setting, here's what you can do. Load your 35mm film roll into your camera as normal. Take the shots of your secondary subject first.
With your grocery shopping done and eye exam complete, you can take your disposable camera, or roll of 35mm film from a different camera, to be developed. As explained on the Photo section of ...
The Pentax 17 is fitted with a 25mm fixed-focus lens with a 37mm equivalent field of view. It doesn’t feature autofocus like ...
53rd St. Following the direction of the photography industry, family-owned Camera Land has gone digital. While you can still pick up a roll of 35mm film, the majority of cameras and equipment ...
Too much work? Not if you are [Yuta Ikeya], whose 3D printed movie camera uses commonly-available 35 mm film stock rather than the 8 mm or 16 mm film you might expect. 3D printing might not seem ...